Global Electric Car Sales: Steady Growth Amidst Market Shifts

A Slight Deceleration in the Electric Vehicle Market

In 2023, the global market for electric vehicles (EVs), encompassing both fully electric (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs), experienced a growth of 31%.

This increase, as reported by market research firm Rho Motion, marks a slowdown from the 60% surge witnessed in 2022, reports Reuters.

Global Electric Car Sales: Steady Growth Amidst Market Shifts. Citroen Ec3

Contextualizing the Growth

Charles Lester, Rho Motion’s data manager, explained that such a deceleration is typical for expanding markets.

“The pace of growth is slowing, but that’s what’s expected in growing markets like this. You can’t double every year,” he stated.

This perspective aligns with the 30% growth prediction made by Rho Motion for the last year. For 2024, the firm projects a similar growth range of 25% to 30%.

Record Sales in December

Despite the slowdown, December 2023 saw record-breaking sales, with 1.5 million units sold in a single month.

Among the 13.6 million EVs sold globally in 2023, fully electric vehicles (BEVs) represented a significant majority with 9.5 million units, while PHEVs accounted for the remainder.

Global Electric Car Sales: Steady Growth Amidst Market Shifts. Citroen Ec3

Regional Sales Trends

The U.S. and Canada witnessed a notable 50% jump in BEV sales. Europe and China also saw increases, though more moderate, at 27% and 15% respectively.

However, Europe’s EV market may face challenges in 2024 due to Germany’s sudden decision to eliminate EV subsidies.

The Future of Smaller Electric Cars

Currently, only 8% of Europe’s BEV sales are in the smaller car segment. This trend is anticipated to shift with the introduction of more compact models, such as the Citroen eC3 by Stellantis, slated for release this year.

This move towards smaller and potentially more affordable EV options could significantly impact future market dynamics.

Global Electric Car Sales: Steady Growth Amidst Market Shifts. Citroen Ec3

An Evolving EV Landscape

While the electric car market’s explosive growth may be stabilizing, the industry continues to evolve with new models and shifting consumer preferences.

The trend towards smaller electric vehicles and the impact of policy changes, especially in Europe, will be key factors to watch in the coming years.

As the market matures, the electric vehicle industry is poised for sustained, albeit more moderate, growth.

Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo is the Editor in Chief and Founder of, where he covers all electric vehicle-related news, covering brands such as Tesla, Ford, GM, BMW, Nissan and others. He fulfills a similar role at the drone news site Haye can be reached at haye @ or @hayekesteloo.

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