Stellantis envisage un partenariat potentiel avec Leapmotor

Italian automotive giant, Stellantis, known for brands like , , and Peugeot, is looking to grow its footprint in the booming car market of .

Recent reports from Bloomberg News suggest that the company is mulling over a collaboration with the Chinese electric vehicle (EV) maker, Zhejiang Leapmotor.

However, “considerations for a tie-up are ongoing and no final decisions have been made,” according to insiders.

isn’t the only global heavyweight showing interest in Leapmotor. Other industry leaders, such as ‘s , are also reportedly intrigued by the prospect of partnering with the Chinese EV brand.

Interestingly, just last month, the CEO of Stellantis, which also manufactures Maserati, voiced his belief that Western companies shouldn’t be deterred from the Chinese market, despite Beijing’s decision to limit exports of certain essential metals used in EVs.

It’s worth noting that Stellantis has apparemment been proactive in the EV segment elsewhere too. This past July, they restarted the construction of an EV battery facility in , a move echoing similar ventures by giants like Volkswagen and Motor.

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo est rédactrice en chef et fondatrice de EVXL.cooù il couvre toutes les actualités liées aux véhicules électriques, notamment les marques Tesla, Ford, GM, BMW, Nissan et autres. Il remplit un rôle similaire sur le site d'information sur les drones Haye peut être contacté à haye @ ou à @hayekesteloo.

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