

在德国驻华使馆的一次演讲中,德国联邦科学院院长 Dirk Messner ‘s Environment Agency, emphasized the need for stronger multilateral ties to fight climate change amidst the current geopolitical challenges and erosion of trust in the international order. Speaking to the 南华早报梅斯纳还呼吁解决贸易争端,如 -欧盟与电动汽车(EV)的对抗,将通过世界贸易组织(WTO)解决。


Pan Jiahua, director of the research centre for sustainable development at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, echoed Messner’s sentiments, stating that geopolitical tensions and trade disputes would delay global efforts to mitigate climate change. The EU’s investigation into China-made EVs “would delay our process to promote and to fasten the energy transformation,” Pan added.

China’s Dominance in EV Market Alarms US and Europe

China, the world’s largest producer and market for electric vehicles, has seen its rapidly growing EV exports alarm the US and .美国最近对中国电动汽车加征了 100% 的关税,而欧盟据称也即将对中国电动汽车加征关税,理由是国家补贴扭曲了市场。


梅斯纳建议依靠 "公平、科学和有章可循的机制 "来解决贸易争端,并指出世贸组织是管理此类问题的全球平台,应避免保护主义升级,以免损害经济福利和气候保护。


中国政府批评欧盟的调查 "不合理、不合规",并誓言采取反制措施维护自身利益。今年 5 月,中国商务部宣布对从包括欧盟在内的国家和地区进口的聚甲醛共聚物进行反倾销调查。

EVXL’s Take

The growing tensions between China and the EU over the EV trade threaten to undermine global efforts to combat climate change. As the world’s largest EV producer and market, China plays a crucial role in the transition to cleaner transportation. However, alleged state subsidies and the resulting trade disputes risk slowing down the adoption of electric vehicles worldwide.



中国、欧盟和美国之间因电动汽车而不断升级的贸易紧张局势与无人机行业面临的挑战有着惊人的相似之处。据 DroneXL美国国会众议院共和党人最近提出立法,大幅提高对中国制造无人机的关税,并在 2030 年前禁止进口含有中国关键零部件的无人机。面对中国在业余和商用无人机市场的主导地位,拟议法案旨在增强美国无人机制造商的竞争力。


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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo 是以下网站的创始人和主编 EVXL.co他在该网站报道所有与电动汽车相关的新闻,涉及的品牌包括特斯拉、福特、通用、宝马、日产等。他在无人机新闻网站 DroneXL.co.您可以通过以下方式联系 Haye:haye @ evxl.co 或 @hayekesteloo.

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