
Volkswagen Embraces Tesla’s Charging Standard

大众汽车集团是一家全球汽车巨头,旗下品牌包括 , , and Bentley, has announced its decision to adopt ‘s electric vehicle charging standard.

此举将 跻身于主要汽车制造商的行列,他们已经认识到 Tesla’s 在电动汽车充电基础设施领域占据主导地位。

Access to Tesla’s Supercharger Network

Volkswagen plans to provide its EV customers with access to Tesla’s extensive 该公司在北美拥有 15,000 个网点。

该公司是 据报道 正在为其现有电动车型开发适配器解决方案,预计到 2025 年将投入使用。

Additionally, new Volkswagen electric vehicles, starting from 2025, will be equipped with Tesla’s charging port as a standard feature.


Volkswagen’s decision comes after a significant delay compared to other automakers. Tesla, rebranding its charging technology as the North American Charging Standard (NACS) in November 2022, opened its network to other brands, with 通用汽车公司也迅速加入了这一行列。

The delay in Volkswagen’s participation seemed at odds with its position as one of the world’s largest automakers.


Reports earlier indicated that Electrify America, Volkswagen’s EV charging subsidiary, was set to add Tesla charging plugs to its stations.

This move hinted at a possible collaboration between Volkswagen and Tesla, despite the former’s initial hesitance.

与此同时,其他德国汽车制造商,如宝马、迷你和 had already aligned with Tesla’s charging technology.

Tesla’s Exclusive Supercharger Network

Initially, Tesla’s Supercharger network was exclusive to its own customers, offering consistent and reliable EV charging.

几年前,当特斯拉在以下地区向非特斯拉电动汽车开放超级充电站时,这种排他性开始发生变化 , and later in the US, following the Biden administration’s stipulation for accessing funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Supercharger Network’s Reliability

Tesla’s Supercharger network is recognized for its superiority in reliability compared to other EV charging stations, which often struggle with software issues and malfunctioning chargers.

特斯拉报告称,去年其超级充电站的正常运行时间达到了令人印象深刻的 99.95%,仅低于 2021 年的 99.96%。

关注 Stellantis

With Volkswagen’s commitment, Tesla can now concentrate on the last major holdout, .

This multinational automotive manufacturing corporation owns several popular brands, including Jeep, Chrysler, and , which have yet to adopt Tesla’s EV charging standard.

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo 是以下网站的创始人和主编 EVXL.co他在该网站报道所有与电动汽车相关的新闻,涉及的品牌包括特斯拉、福特、通用、宝马、日产等。他在无人机新闻网站您可以通过以下方式联系 Haye:haye @ 或 @hayekesteloo.

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