
The tables are turning in the EV charging world as major car manufacturers General Motors and フォード have opened up to Tesla’s charging network. This move could set ‘s brainchild’s superchargers as the new industry standard.

‘s North American Charging Standard (NACS) is much more available and dependable than its competitor, the CCS network, supported by the likes of そして Motor. This advantage of Tesla’s network has led other EV makers and charger manufacturers to ponder partnerships with the American electric car giant.

Considering the vast array of Tesla’s charging stations scattered across the US, it’s no surprise that industry leaders and analysts expect more collaborations with Tesla. It’ll be interesting to watch how many more companies decide to join GM and in adopting NACS, as the electric vehicle revolution continues to evolve.

Here’s a list from ロイター with all the companies that are adopting NACS:

  • Ford Motor Co.
  • General Motors
  • SK Signet
  • ChargePoint Holdings
  • Blink Charging
  • トリチウムDCFC
  • EVgo




の編集長兼創設者である。 EVXL.coテスラ、フォード、GM、BMW、日産などの電気自動車関連のニュースを担当。ドローンニュースサイト DroneXL.co.ヘイの連絡先は、haye @ evxl.co、または以下の通り。 hayekesteloo.

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